21. September 2019 Vernissage SAM ANTHONY mit BEST LAID PLANS
Sam Anthony, Fotograf und Dokumentarfilmer aus London, zeigt mit seinem neuesten Projekt zwei Städte und deren Bewohner im westlichen Sizilien, Städte, die von einem schweren Erbeben zerstört wurden. Ein Versuch des Wiederaufbaus stockt und führt zum Entstehen neuer Ruinen. Der Blick des Nordens auf den Süden Europas in der Tradition der Großen Reisen untersucht die Bemühungen von Architekten, Heimat künstlich zu definieren.
Sam Anthony is a photographer and documentary film-maker from London. in his latest project and forthcoming book BEST LAID PLANS, he focusses on two towns in Western Sicily that were destroyed by a terrible earthquake and rebuilt, only to begin slowly falling into ruin again. This story is told through a series of images that attempt to draw parallels between the subject matter of much of the earliest photography of Sicily from the heyday of The Grand Tour onwards, with today, with visitors from the North still fascinated by the slow and picturesque decay of Southern Europe. And the project asks where the people who live in these rebuilt towns fit in the schemes of well meaning architects, and the best laid plans of others.